Over the past year, our seminar series has explored the diverse and complex landscape where labour intersects with digital technologies. The impetus behind the Panoptiwork…
On May 22nd, Miguel Rudolf-Cibien will give a talk as part of our mini-lecture series. It is called “What Should a Good Concept of Labour Do? Conceptually engineering ‘digital labour’“. Miguel…
[Edit: The final date is April 22nd, and not April 23rd as was previously announced.] On April 22nd, Dr. Robert Prey and Sanghwa Lee will give a talk as…
On the 21st of March 2024, at 17.00, Panoptiwork will host its seventh talk entitled: “AI is not a Technology. The History of Technological Rethoric…
On February 19th, at 17.00, Panoptiwork together with STeP Talks will have the pleasure of hosting our sixth talk with a special guest visiting us…
Last month, we brought the first year of our project to a successful closure with a mind-opening presentation by Pr. dr. Antonio Casilli and an…
On the 6th of December, at 17.00, panoptiwork will host its fourth talk entitled: “Industry 4.0 + Industry 5.0 = a happy marriage between human…
Tensions over AI’s impact on human labor dominate public debate today. The opposite question is rarely asked, however: what does human labor do to AI?…
On the 19th of October, at 17.00, panoptiwork will host a second talk entitled: “Three stories of how I watch you at work: how technology…
Dr Flavia Maximo (Professor of labour law, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto) on 20 September 2023 will kick off our series of Panoptiwork Talks. From…