On the 6th of December, at 17.00, panoptiwork will host its fourth talk entitled: “Industry 4.0 + Industry 5.0 = a happy marriage between human and technology”. The talk will be held in the Diephuiszaal at the Faculty of Law (Room 1217.0065, Oude Boteringestraat 18, Groningen). You can register to attend the meeting emailing m.rudolf-cibien@rug.nl. Large part of the meeting will be dedicated to a discussion with participants, so get prepared to open a debate! Drinks will follow.
Prof. Beryl her Haar is the speaker, she’s involved in the panoptiwork network and Endowed Professor European and Comparative Labour Law at the RUG Faculty of Law and Professor at the University of Warsaw where she leads the Centre for International and European Labour Law Studies (CIELLS).
Hereunder you can read the abstract of her presentation:
It is clear that we have arrived in the 4th Industrial Revolution. And while we are still in the middle of it and need to see where it will lead us to and what consequences it will have for work, and therewith also for labour law, some argue that since 2022 we have entered the 5th Industrial Revolution. While it can be questioned if we are really in the 5th Industrial Revolution, it is clear that its aim is to add to the 4th Industrial Revolution a human dimension. Thus, instead of deploying technological inventions and developments just because it makes new ways of work and activities possible or because they increase productivity, the 5th Industrial Revolution requires an assessment of what the new technology will add or contribute to the human. During the seminar I will address the question of what this human-centric approach means for the further development of new technologies and the regulation of technologies in the context of work.