Program of the Panoptiwork Conference (2 Dec 2024) is ONLINE!
Date: 2 December 2024
Location: University of Groningen, Röling Building.
The Panoptiwork project hosts its closing conference by bringing together together cutting-edge research on the interdisciplinary intersections of labour and digitalisation. This one-day event will feature thought-provoking presentations, collaborative discussions, and a chance to engage with scholars from a variety of disciplines.
Keynote Speaker:
Professor Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen) will be our keynote speaker. Professor Herzog’s expertise lies on the intersection of political economy and economic thought. She’s currently the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen. She will introduce our one-day conference with a lecture titled “Villages, Protocols, and the AI-driven Future of Work: some Wittgensteinian Reflections“.
Conference Highlights:
- Parallel Sessions: We will hold four parallel sessions, allowing for in-depth exploration of various themes surrounding labour and digitalisation. The sessions will focus on: “Regulating Algorithmic Management: Empirical and Legal Insights”; “Perspectives on Labour and Digitalisation: Insights from Asia and Global South“; “Future(s) of Work: Insights from Philosophy and Literary Criticism“; “Collective Challenges in Labour and Digitalisation: Discrimination and Migration“.
- Journal Presentation: The conference will conclude the presentation of the forthcoming Italian Labour Law e-Journal issue n. 2/2024 (Volume 17), featuring research articles from Panoptiwork fellows (Guest-editors of the issue: Michele Molè, Wike Been, Beryl her Haar). The presentation of the issue will be moderated by Prof. Emanuele Menegatti (University of Bologna; Editor in Chief of the Italian Labour Law e-Journal) and Prof. Iacopo Senatori (University of Modena-Reggio Emilia, Associate Editor Italian Labour Law e-Journal).
Join us for this exciting opportunity to engage with contemporary debates on labour in the digital age!
For more details, please consult the program below or on our conference website.
Registration is necessary. Seats are limited! Register via this link.